Friday 19 July 2019

Full Form

1. EEPROM-   Electronic Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory.
2, SIMM-         Small Line Memory Module.
3. ATA-            Advance Technology Attachment.
4. SIM-             Subscriber Index Module.
5. LCD-            Liquid Crystal Display.
6. PSU-             Power Supply Unit.
7. EIST-             Enhanced Intel Speed Technology.
8. POST-           Power On Self Test.
9. AGP-             Accelerated Graphic Port.
10. VRM-          Voltage Regular Module.
11. XVGA-        Extended Video Graphic Array.
12. ATX-            Advance technology Extended.
13. UDMA-        Ultra Direct Memory Access.
14. SPP-              Standard Parallel Port.
15. SSD-             Solid State Drive.
16. ICH-             Input Control Hub.
17. PGA-            Power Good Array.
18. PCI-              Peripheral Component Interconnect.
19. IDE-              Integrated Driver Electronic.
20. LED-            Light Emitting Diode.
21. SMPS-          Switch Mode Power Supply.
22. SCSI-            Small Computer System Interface.
23. EPP-              Extensible Provisioning Protocol.
24. SODIMM-     Small Outline Dual-in Line Memory Module.
25. LGA-             Line Grid Array.
26. DRAM.          Dynamic Random Memory.
27. FSB-              Front Side Bus.
28. ZIF-               Zero Insertion Force.
29. SRAM-          Synchronous RAM.
30. SATA-            Serial Advance Technology Attachment.

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